
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Pastel art

W.A.L.T:Blending and shading using oil pastel media.

This is my Pastel art that I did.I used shading and blending to make it look realistic.This is how I did it.

1.First I drew a circle for the moon.

2.Then I scribbled the black red and orange and yellow onto the paper where I wanted the colours to be.

3.Then I grabbed a tissue.

4.Then I smudged the black. red orange and yellow.

5.Once I was done smudging and blending I blended white into the moon and I also blended some black into the moon.

6.Then I drew some trees in black.

7.Once I was done the trees I dotted white oil pastel for the stars.
And that is how I did my pastel drawing.

One thing I could have done better is do the tree properly.
Is there anything you think I could have done better.
What are some of the thing you thing I could have done better.
Do you like my art.

Thursday, September 19, 2019


W.A.L.T: Being aware of phishing and hooks and scams

Today in Cyber smart we did a slideshow of what is real and fake news.
There where 4 pictures of fake or real news.
and on the next slide we had to write why.
I did a couple real and fake and then I did one of them real and fake.
This is how I did it.
1.I looked and the picture of the slide.
2.Then I Went onto the next slide a wrote why it was real or fake.
3.If it had email/slide I searched up the email or site and looked if it was real or fake.
4.The I searched up real and fake pictures and dragged it in to the slide  and put it where I wanted.
5.Then I used the squiggle pen tool and circled if it was real or fake.
And that is how I did It
One thing I could of done better is maybe make it more with the topic.
Have you done this before if you have comment down below.
Have you fallen for the fake before if you have comment down below.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Netiquette poster (CYBER SMART)

W.A.L.T:interact online safely and appropriately using Netiquette framework.

Today my whole class had to do a Poster on google drawing that is about netiquette.
This is how I did my poster.
1.I went onto google drawing and named it Meri netiquette poster.
2.Then I made a background.
3.After that I did 2 square and inside them I did Negative and in the other one I did Positive.
4.In each square I did what they would both mean.
5.Then I did the title with letter from special characters.
6.Then I found 3 good pictures and put them on my poster.
7.and then I was done.

I really thing that I did good on my poster and I don't think I could have done anything better.
If you have done something like this comment down below.
if you like my post comment down below.
I hope you like my poster.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Free art

 W.A.L.T: Create free art of your choice.
I did free art that I like to do.
I just searched up "cool drawings" and then I drew the drawings that I wanted to draw.
I like drawing heaps of different things.
 One thing I could of done better is maybe look at the picture more to know how to draw it more.

I hope you like my pictures.
Have done anything like this if you have comment down below.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Free art

W.A.L.T: Create an art of you choice.

This is my free art that I did.
The top picture id mine and the bottom picture is the picture I copied.
I  Did it with pastel.
It was very fun to do.

Have you ever done something like this.
On thing I could of done better is maybe smudge it more to give it a better colour.
If you like my picture comment down below.
And if you have done something like this comment down below.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Free art

W.A.L.T: Create a free art of your choice

This is my art and the artist I got this idea off E.J Young
I like his art because it is fun to do and you can do a lot of cool patterns. Mine is the top picture and his the bottom picture.

Mine is not the same as his but add lest I gave it a try.

One thing  I could of did the squares smaller so I could of done more patterns.

If you think I could of done anything comment down below.

And if you liked my picture comment down below too.

Have you done a picture like this if you have comment down below.

I hope you like my picture.

Monday, August 19, 2019

M.C Escher art

Walt: To create a  fantastic Geometric art of M.C. Escher.

These are my to M.C Escher art.
Our whole class has been working on M.C Escher And we have all done more that one of them.
a lot of people enjoyed doing it because you can use different shapes and colour to do it and colour it in.

This is how we did it.
Before we did anything we had to watch the videos on how to do it.
1.Grab and square piece of coloured card.
2.Use a pencil to draw a shape going up the card and across the card.
3.Then cut the shapes out and move then straight up and straight side ways and tape them there.
4.Then trace the whole sheet of paper with the card and It will look like a puzzle but with the shapes that you used.
5.Then colour it in how you like. Step 5 and 6 are optiona
6.If you want you can go over the outlines with a permanent marker.

One thing I could of done better is maybe not rush.
If you think there is something that I could of done better comment down below.
And if you like my M.C Escher art comment down below.

I hope you like my art.