
Thursday, September 19, 2019


W.A.L.T: Being aware of phishing and hooks and scams

Today in Cyber smart we did a slideshow of what is real and fake news.
There where 4 pictures of fake or real news.
and on the next slide we had to write why.
I did a couple real and fake and then I did one of them real and fake.
This is how I did it.
1.I looked and the picture of the slide.
2.Then I Went onto the next slide a wrote why it was real or fake.
3.If it had email/slide I searched up the email or site and looked if it was real or fake.
4.The I searched up real and fake pictures and dragged it in to the slide  and put it where I wanted.
5.Then I used the squiggle pen tool and circled if it was real or fake.
And that is how I did It
One thing I could of done better is maybe make it more with the topic.
Have you done this before if you have comment down below.
Have you fallen for the fake before if you have comment down below.

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