
Monday, August 19, 2019

M.C Escher art

Walt: To create a  fantastic Geometric art of M.C. Escher.

These are my to M.C Escher art.
Our whole class has been working on M.C Escher And we have all done more that one of them.
a lot of people enjoyed doing it because you can use different shapes and colour to do it and colour it in.

This is how we did it.
Before we did anything we had to watch the videos on how to do it.
1.Grab and square piece of coloured card.
2.Use a pencil to draw a shape going up the card and across the card.
3.Then cut the shapes out and move then straight up and straight side ways and tape them there.
4.Then trace the whole sheet of paper with the card and It will look like a puzzle but with the shapes that you used.
5.Then colour it in how you like. Step 5 and 6 are optiona
6.If you want you can go over the outlines with a permanent marker.

One thing I could of done better is maybe not rush.
If you think there is something that I could of done better comment down below.
And if you like my M.C Escher art comment down below.

I hope you like my art.


  1. Hi Meri I really like your art and I think you did a good job coloring each thing to make it stand out but I think that you should have outlined the second piece of art with a marker to make it stand out more but overall its really good. If you want to see my work here's the link

  2. hi meri i really like your art and i like the color you added to your work
    but i think you could add a bit more color to your art =3
    i like the first one i like the green's you added.
